Lease Analysis 2.0

How we compare to the competition.

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Cost to use
Cost per month and/or year
$750/yr $495/yr $45/mo
Industry standard calcs
Net Present Value, Effective Rent, Cost per Rentable Area, Average Monthly Cost, Average Annual Cost, Average Base Rental Rate, Total Deal Cost
Access through web browser
Access from any computer. Compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari or Opera web browsers.
100% tablet compatible
Access using an iPad or Andriod device, with no need to change your browser settings
Elegant web-based reports
View all reports online, using any web browser
Update reports in real-time
Revisions are immediately reflected in all web-based reports
Color-coded maps & charts
Our reports include color-coded maps and charts making them more intuitive and easy to read
Single click exports
Export every report to PDF or Excel with one click