Lease vs. Buy Analysis

Make the right financial decision with this spreadsheet.

Quickly compare leasing or owning any office, retail or industrial building.

This spreadsheet's features include:

  • Elegant charts that provide specific recommendations rather than vague results
  • Side-by-side cash flow comparisons of each alternative that allow for annual analysis
  • NPV and IRR calculations that arm users with industry standard decision metrics
  • Pros and Cons summary sheet outlines the advantages and disadvantages of leasing and owning

  Download this template for $349

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Just in case you're wondering, it's the best deal.

  LeaseMatrix ProCalc LseMod
Price $349 $750+ $3,750
Multi-computer access Yes, the spreadsheet is accessible from any computer with Excel installed. No, must have a license key. Limited computer usage. No, must have a license key. Limited computer usage.
Share with formulas Yes, email the original .xlsx file with all formulas. No, must export to Excel, with all formulas removed. No, must print and email.

  Download this template for $349